========================================== FILE BASED TRACKDISK SIMULATOR ========================================== What does it do and why ? ------------------- A friend of mine recently got a CD-Rom drive, and had a few CD's on which the archives were stored using DMS or some other track-packer. I found out about FMS off of AmiNet. FMS allows you to Un-DMS or whatever direct to your hard-disk by providing a FF0: device, which acts like a virtual floppy disk. I installed the device, and used it, which seemed great. Some time later, I decided to do some experiments with fms- disk.device and find out if I could make it faster. Well. If you use DiskSpeed or some similiar program, you'll see that I've managed to decrease the CPU usage, whilst slightly increas- ing performance on most tests. In addition to this, my device is also quite a bit smaller. As well as unmashing CD archives, FMS is useful perhaps for. People creating floppy based distributions, where they can quickly fill up the FFx: with all required files, and then DISK- COPY FFx: Dfx: About installation, requirements and other useful stuff please consult documentation.